Printed tape
Miles of advertising
Turn your boxes and packages into eye-catching advertising media by having your tape printed with your company logo and your own message. This simple advertising medium not only creates a wow effect, but also a high recognition value.
Printed tape is not only an advertising medium, but also an opportunity to create individual product labeling with detailed product specifications, such as date marking or information for internal sorting facilities. QR codes and barcodes also provide an option for additional information on the tape.
Print on environmentally friendly paper tape
Print options
Print on paper (without adhesive)
Proof and cliche
The first step towards a tape with your own print is that our graphic designer sets up your logo/design according to your wishes. You will then receive a proof with suggestions for printing. Once you have approved this, we start cliche production. And then we are ready to produce your own printed tape.
Our advanced machines are not only a guarantee for fast delivery and optimal printing. They also ensure that we can offer an individual solution – perfectly adapted to your wishes. We think innovatively and recognize the enormous marketing value of printed tape. The finished printed tape must match your expectation of a strong and recognisable effect.
Vi sælger vores tape med tryk kassevis, og det er 36 ruller ved en 50mm tape.
Ja, Pris per rulle reduceres ved følgende antal (50 mm ruller): 72, 108, 180, 360, 720, en halv palle 1188 og en hel palle 2376.
Vi kan ikke garantere at tekster under 6 pkt bliver læsbare på den færdige tape. Det gælder også for små logoer eller logoer med mange små detaljer. Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os for en gratis vurdering af dit ønskede design.
De trykfarver vi bruger, er lettere transparente og de kan derfor variere fra din korrektur. Farverne kan også se anderledes ud, hvis de trykkes på en mørk tape fremfor en lys tape.
Der kan graveres en såkaldt sleeve. Det er dog en dyrere løsning. Ellers kan vi løse opgaven med en klichesamling på flere måder. Tag gerne et kig på positivt/negativt tryk
Det afhænger helt klart af dit behov. Vi har følgende kvaliteter: Ecomask (miljøvenlig), PVC, PPNG, PPA eller PPHM. Du kan læse mere om vores tapetyper her. Er du stadig i tvivl om hvilekn tape du skal bruge, så ring til os på +4587375544 eller i vores kontaktfelt.
Vi kan lave tryktape i disse standard bredder (mm)
12 - 15 - 19 - 25 - 34 - 38 - 50 - 60 - 75 - 100 - 150 - 300
Som udgangspunkt skal bredderne gå op i moderrullerne for at minimere spild.
Vi kan tilbyde disse standardlængder: (angivet i m)
50 - 66 - 100 - 200 - 330 - 500 - 660 - 990/1000.
Der vil være nogle begrænsninger/variationer afhængig af moderrullerne og tapetypen.
Andre længder vil kunne laves, sålænge det går op i længden af moderrullen.
Ja, vi laver tryk med raster. Vi kan kun lave raster i værdier mellem 15-80%. Alt under 15% kommer ikke med på klichéen og alt over 80% vil fremstå som en fuldtdækkende farve.
Rasterne fremkommer som grove punkter på den færdige tape. Man får helt klart de pæneste raster PVC tapen (34#). På PP tape vil de være endnu grovere (30#).
Vi vurderer altid tryk med raster inden vi går igang med en korrektur. Har du et tryk med raster, så kan du kontakte os på mail for en vurdering.
Get started with your own printed tape
Have you chosen tape quality, color and number of rolls? Minimum 36 rolls, which corresponds to one box (50 mm rolls). Then it's just a matter of getting started. We will be happy to help you!
Send a finished file with your logo in one of the following formats: Vectorized PDF or an outlined AI or EPS file. If you do not have a finished file, we can help you make the artwork . You will receive a non-binding offer for artwork in the reply email.
Just send it all to us using the contact field below.
Afterwards you will receive an email with an offer that you can approve. Within a short time, we will send a proof, which you must also approve before printing.
We then print and send the tape (normal delivery time approx. 1-2 weeks) and soon your customers will see and recognize your company logo when they receive your packages.
If you would rather buy your printed tape in our webshop, this is also an option. You can put the tape you want in the basket and attach the file with your print. Remember also to put the associated cliche(s) in the basket and any special color. Find a more detailed description under the tape's item number, how many clichés must be purchased. More about special colors can be found under information about colors. You will of course also receive a proof before printing.
If you have become more confused than informed, you are very welcome to call us on +4587375544.