Take full control of all the colors
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #3A3A3C |
Background | #FCFCFC |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #9AAD26 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #C1D82F |
Background | #CCCCCC |
Border | #C1D82F |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #9AAD26 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | #9AAD26 |
Focus outline | #3A3A3C |
Implementation |
<div class="theme new-theme"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #3A3A3C |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Border | #C1D82F |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #9AAD26 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #9AAD26 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme whitebg-greencta"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #3A3A3C |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #919195 |
Border | #919195 |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #49494B |
Border | #49494B |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #747477 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #747477 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #49494B |
Border | #49494B |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme whitebg-greycta"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #3A3A3C |
Background | #F9FBEA |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Border | #C1D82F |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #9AAD26 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #9AAD26 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #616C18 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #616C18 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme lightgreenbg-greencta"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #3A3A3C |
Background | #F7F7F7 |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Border | #C1D82F |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #9AAD26 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #9AAD26 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #616C18 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #616C18 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme lightgreybg-greencta"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #3A3A3C |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Border | #C1D82F |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #9AAD26 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #9AAD26 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #616C18 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #616C18 |
Focus outline | #FF29F8 |
Implementation |
<div class="theme transparentbg-greencta"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #3A3A3C |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #919195 |
Border | #919195 |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #49494B |
Border | #49494B |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #747477 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #747477 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #49494B |
Border | #49494B |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Implementation |
<div class="theme transparentbg-greycta"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #C1D82F |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Border | #C1D82F |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme greenbg-greencta"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C1D82F |
Border | #C1D82F |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #616C18 |
Border | #616C18 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #9AAD26 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #9AAD26 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #616C18 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #616C18 |
Focus outline | #00FFFF |
Implementation |
<div class="theme transparentbg-greencta-2"></div>